FMM: What makes The Peter G Show unique?
The show is like an amazing meatloaf surprise. It’s got a bunch of different subject content in it because I talk about everything having to do with life and people, but at the same time it’s really tasty and everything jells together from funny to serious which in turn makes it entertaining and consumable. I’m relatable.
Who have been your most inspiring guests?
Wow, that’s a tough one because most all of the guests that have come on my show bring something to the table. From week to week, you definitely see how the different guest topics push people’s buttons. Obviously, people relate to different things so If I happen to have a guest that talks about narcissism, I’ll get more people’s interest who in some way encountered that effect in their life because they can relate to it. Now if I was to have an A-list musician such as I had for example, guitarist Steve Lukather (Toto, Ringo Starr) on my show most would think that we were going to talk about music, but instead I dove into his personal life of being a divorced dad twice with 2 sets of kids and how he handled all that through the years. Luke (Steve Lukather) is not only a great musician, but he’s a great dad. Most fans never ever get to hear the normal side of a rock star and thanks to people like Luke and the many others, I was able to share their experiences with my audience because life is not a bowl of cherries no matter who you are or how much money you may have.
All in all, I think all my shows have something to offer everyone in some way. I truly learn something from every show and try to have a few laughs to keep things fun as well.

FMM: What’s trending?
I’m more of a fan of timeless content. Would you believe me if I told you that I go with my gut and have never been much of a follower. Sometimes I may finally pickup on something that I guess has been cool for a while and I’m just starting to like what I’m seeing or hearing, but for the most part I do what I’m feeling good about and make the most of it for my audience to take in and hopefully enjoy. Even rehashing quality old school stuff and giving it my touch or twist is great to me because I saw the value in it years ago. Coming from a music background it’s just like writing original music, to the musician most all the music is good but in the entertainment business the audience is truly the ones who turn things into hits or trends. You just write what you feel and hope they love it too. Life With Peter G The Peter G Show will always be trending to someone, but the more the merrier. That’s what it’s all about.
FMM: Tell us about the Defender of the Republic. What surprised you the most about this interview?
Ahh first of all, I told myself years ago that I was not going to get political on my shows however, these past few years things have changed so much that I just couldn’t be silent anymore, so once in a while I’ll bring on someone like Defender Of The Republic to talk about what’s really going on without the lies and cover ups and censorship of these news platforms, Google, Facebook and YouTube etc. It’s hard because I’m on all of these platforms and then some. We are so divided nowadays as people and it sucks, but it blows my mind that people are willing to believe what most media is feeding them and refuse to open their minds to the possibility that there may be more going on in the background then they think is going on. It’s starting to feel like Iranian state fed television. Times have changed. What surprises me about the interview with her (Defender Of The Republic) is how much work she puts into what she does to try to inform others because she cares about this country and the people in it, plus she’s well spoken. She’s not just talking to talk.
To sum it all up, all I ask people when I do this type of show Is to listen and then decide, after that the rest is up to you. I learned many years ago that You don’t know what you don’t what you don’t know. Your mind is like a parachute, it works best when it’s open. Kudos to the people like Defender Of The Republic who puts in the work to educate and inspire others.

FMM: What can people expect to see as we move into the holidays?
The holidays are a special time for most, and a very hard time for others. During November and December, I like the majority of my shows to be relationship oriented. Lots of people are going through tuff times and feel alone whether they are newly separated from their families and children because of divorce, or even first holidays without a parent or loved one due to someone passing away. I like to talk about these issues in public to bring it out to the forefront because everyone feels like it’s just them. I think my biggest motto is, You’re Not Alone. That saying on my show gets said all through the year, but especially during the holidays.
FMM: Who would you like on your show?
The list is long. There are so many interesting and entertaining people from sports figures to CEO’s of Business and even people that you’ve never heard of out there that I’d love to have on that are really worth the watch, but one person that I really would love to have on my show is Steve Harvey. That’s one guy that has stuck in my mind over the past few years that to me that has so many great stories about his start in his career as well as the lessons he’s learned by the mistakes he’s made in the business. Maybe it’s just personally interesting to me, but obviously he’s a great entertainer and to top it off he’s willing to talk about his life’s ups and downs while he was making his way and I think that sitting him down and having a conversation with him on my show would not disappoint.
FMM: Are you looking for guests as we roll into the holidays?
Actually, I’m always looking for guests, but the show books two to three months in advance. You kind of have to stay ahead of the game. I remember when I moved to LA many years ago and I had friends recording Christmas music in July, and it kind of hit and then made a lot of sense. I do however sometimes move things around and may leave a date open till the last minute while trying to get a certain guest, but as of now we will be booking February and March of 2023 soon.