Launched on April 13, 2020, The Michael Finkley Show is reaching new heights. With the principles to EDUCATE, INFORM, and INSPIRE, the show covers topics such as entertainment, education, politics, and more from everyday heroes to Michael Finkley’s favorite celebrities. Michael has interviewed many with incredible stories, including Bern Nadette Stanis of Good Times, Anthony Dalton, II of Tyler Perry’s Sistas (BET), Jameson DuBose, General Manager & Head of Programming of FOX SOUL, Grammy-Nominated Comedian, Lavell Crawford, rising country artist, Tony Evans, Jr., and MORE! They air every Monday on YouTube, on the CTR Media Network, iHeartRadio, and RokuTV. They are also on your favorite streaming podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple, Amazon Music, and MORE!
FMM: When did you find the voice for the entertainment industry?
Growing up, my mom was in the radio industry. She was a disc jockey. I saw her play music on the air and interview local and national talent/artists. I did not know why I loved watching her in this element growing up, but I knew I loved the feeling. When I was in high school and college, I was always pushed to the front to speak, host, and present. I remember one of my college advisors, Dr. Gloria Simmons, saying to me, “Finkley, your name is going to be great.” Sixteen years later, I finally know what she meant. I found my voice in college. I now know my voice can inform, educate, and inspire others!
FMM: The Michael Finkley Show is becoming popular among celebrities and successful entrepreneurs. What can we find on your show?
When viewers watch the Michael Finkley Show, viewers will find content that is trending in their daily conversations, on their social media, and more! My show will make you think, will make you laugh, will make you cry, and viewers will FEEL! They will feel happy, feel joy, and feel and see themselves in another light for the betterment of self. Yes! We feature your favorite celebrities and prominent entrepreneurs and yes, they talk about their businesses and projects, but when they sit down with Finkley, these guests become that much more three dimensional to viewers; showing a side many do not show to the public. To me, this is a true experience which makes it MUST SEE TV!
FMM: Who have you enjoyed interviewing the most?
WOW! This is a hard question, because I love all of my guests and each of them have impacted my life in a positive way! But, to say the most impactful, I must say actor, Thomas Anthony Jones, actor, Anthony Dalton, II, actress, Bern Nadette Stanis, and Emmy-Nominated, Senior Correspondent of Inside Edition, Les Trent.
FMM: Who has surprised you the most?
When I interviewed Grammy-Nominated Comedian and Actor, Lavell Crawford, I was so inspired. Lavell has been making us laugh for decades at comedy clubs, in sitcoms, and movie theaters. In asking Lavell the question of his future after comedy, he revealed he wanted to save souls by establishing a church and becoming a pastor. This was very inspiring, and I wish him the best in accomplishing this in the future.

FMM: You had the great opportunity to be featured on the Ebony Magazine Media Covering Black America Podcast Network hosted by Elizabeth Leiba. Tell us more.
It was an amazing opportunity. Over the years, I read the magazine, but to be featured in a segment was mind blowing! Of course, we discussed my show and how it came to be, but this interview reminded me that if I continue to work hard and follow my dreams, I can accomplish anything through Christ that strengthens me. This lesson always stays with me.
FMM: Tell us about The Red Carpet Experience and how this is an essential strategy to your brand.
When I started the Michael Finkley Show, I never thought about going into anyone’s red carpet and talking with people. But when you have individuals who believe in your brand, then you cannot go wrong. My first red carpet experience was in 2021, when the show was able to attend an event for the late Tommy Ford from the sitcom, Martin. During this time, I was able to talk with family and friends of the late actor about how he was so impactful in their lives as they shared many memorable stories. In 2022, I had the grand opportunity to attend the red carpet event at the 2022 Stellar Awards in Atlanta, GA where I was among gospel greats including Bishop Marvin Sapp, Erica Campbell, Tamela Mann and more! From this experience, I launched The Red Carpet Experience where I provide red carpet services under my brand for organizations and individuals wanting to add more of a memorable experience to their events.

FMM: What will people notice when working with you?
I LOVE PEOPLE! When people work with me, they get the very best. Why? Because I care! I want to see others win. I will make you laugh, keep a smile on your face, tell you what is on my mind, but most importantly, you will leave me knowing something new about yourself. I always tell others, “Never change unless it’s for the better!”
FMM: How important is giving back to you?
It is very important! Through my educational consulting firm, The Finkley Experience, I provide resources to students to prepare them for their college and career endeavors. I am the vice president of The Ellington Foundation where we provide funding for college and career ready bound, first generation students graduating from high school to assist with the cost of their higher education. I also partner with Big Homie Lil Homie Mentoring which is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that uplifts our males by molding and shaping them into GREAT men of society through mentoring.
FMM: Share your vision for your show and The Red Carpet Experience for 2023.
I am super excited about what the future holds. My hope and prayer is for my social media talk to be picked up by a major network and share the message of positivity to even more viewers within the realm of Daytime Television. For the Red Carpet Experience, I would love to travel more with this experience to as many events as possible. I am always looking for new and exciting collaborations. This is my year of YES! If it feels right, I am pursuing it! I never want to limit myself, I want to live and experience the best life possible.
FMM: Please share your social media.
Yes! To reach out and collaborate and/or purchase seasonal sponsorship, visit our website: We are also on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok all with the handle @michaelfinkleyshow.