William “Bill” Edwards, Founder and CEO of Regenix: Treated 500,000 Individuals with Hair Loss

William “Bill” Edwards is the Founder and CEO of Regenix. Founded in 1993, the Regenix Hair Research Clinic has treated over 500,000 individuals with hair loss. Edwards is a renowned Scalp and Hair Care Specialist who has been treating scalp disorders since 1976. Today, Regenix is a household name, treating celebrity clients like Matthew McConaughey, and expanding its reach nationwide with a new at-home product line. The Regenix 3 Stage System is a non-surgical, custom treatment program, made with natural, effective ingredients that work both above and below the surface of the scalp. Regenix helps with hair loss or thinning, Dermatitis, Dandruff, Psoriasis, or extremely dry or damaged hair from chemicals and styling products. https://regenix.com/

FMM: You founded Regenix Hair Research Clinic in 1993, tell us about your background. 

I studied Biology in college, and I was working in the health and nutrition field in Toronto.

I was approached to look after a small hair care company while the owner went on a 6-month leave. Due to the innovations that I introduced and an overall increase in revenue, the owner decided to retire. I expanded the business in Toronto, and in 1984 moved to Los Angeles and continued to expand there.

By 1993 I felt that research and development were stagnant and the corporate attitude was focused more on profit and less on service and results. consequently, I left and Regenix was born. The business model, and unwavering company philosophy has always been that Regenix is an ongoing research project that is constantly evolving. The focus of our work has unwaveringly been on an honest approach to prevention and enhancement, naturally, without drugs, side effects, or miracle baldness cures.

FMM: Regenix is a household name that prevents hair thinning, thickens your hair, while being drug-free. How has Regenix evolved over the years?

The Regenix “process” is unlike any other hair product. We treat each new client as an individual case study. It starts with a hair micro-analysis to determine the nature and severity of problems within hair follicles that negative affect hair growth. It also gives us pertinent information that we use to customize a formulation specific to the individual’s needs. Follow-up hair analysis every three months allows us to monitor the results and adjust the formulation for increased efficiency.

There are dozens of different formulations that fall into specific categories. Throughout the active program, the routine of application is three times a week. First, there are emulsifier cleansing treatments to deal with topical scalp issues and remove any follicle entrance blockage. The second stage deals with the removal of more acute problems of impacted sebum and buildup deeper within hair follicles. Only then are the nutrient based and DHT blocker third stage treatments able to get to the the very base of the follicles where they work to improve thickness and strength of existing hair where it has thinned, and prevent further hair loss.

FMM: Take us through the process. 

One of our recent innovations involves the ability to participate in the full Regenix program from anywhere in the world, and from the comfort of your home.

You simply mail in hair samples, we will E-mail you a micro-photograph of the samples along with an explanation and treatment recommendations when necessary.
We have technical staff available to answer any questions that may arise.

The time frame of the three-stage active program varies anywhere from one to three years. Once you have accomplished as much as possible, or you are happy with your hair, we recommend gradually phasing out of the active program using treatment less and less frequently. Eventually, a periodic maintenance treatment; hair analysis once or twice a year along with the regular use of the Regenix hair and scalp hygiene regimen, will prevent the recurrence of problems.

FMM: What are you most proud of during your career? 

I think the proudest moment of my long career came in 1998 when the Regenix process was granted a patent. It started with months of diligent research at the UCLA Bio-Medical Library pouring over journal articles and research papers. It culminated in a week long stay in New York city where our patent attorney’s firm is located, involving writing, rewriting and after legal review, rewriting again! It was a lot of work, but very gratifying when it was done.


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